The Malta Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations
The Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations (S.L. 188.05) allows for the granting of citizenship by a certificate of naturalisation to foreign individuals and their families who contribute to the economic development of Malta.
Every application is subject to a stringent due diligence process, including thorough background checks. Community Malta Agency is the competent Maltese Government Agency responsible to administer these Regulations.
As licensed Agent AKM-BALD-21, I may directly assist with the correct preparation and submission of applications to Community Malta Agency (Agenzija Komunita Malta).
Eligibility Criteria
The requisites for filing an application are:
Provide a proof of residence in Malta for a period of 36 months, provided that this period may by exception be reduced to a minimum of 12 months, subject to an exceptional direct investment (of €600,000 and €750,000 respectively), to be effected prior the issue of the certificate of naturalisation;
Purchase an immovable residential property in Malta having a minimum value of €700,000 or take on a lease a residential immovable property in Malta for a minimum annual rent of €16,000, which property shall be adequate and suitable for the applicant and his dependants, for a minimum period of five (5) years from the date of issue of the certificate of citizenship;
Carry out an exceptional direct investment in Malta, in accordance with Regulations S.L. 188.06; being €600,000, or €750,000 where the application is submitted before the completion of 36 months residence. An additional €50,000 shall also be paid for each dependant.
Donate, prior to the issue of the certificate of naturalisation, a minimum of €10,000 to a registered philanthropic, cultural, sport, scientific, animal welfare or artistic non-governmental organisation or society, or as otherwise approved by the Agency.
The Application Process and Timeline
The application process can be broken down into the following steps:
Power of Attorney by applicant is granted to Approved Agent to cover entire process.
Residence application is submitted by Approved Agent for 36 month residence card. Tier 1 Due Diligence conducted by Agent and Agency, whilst 1st Police Clearance is also obtained.
Eligibility application compiled and submitted to the Agency.
Due Diligence performed at Tier 2, 3 and 4, and results presented to Minister.
Eligibility Decision as to whether applicant is eligible to apply for Maltese Citizenship is communicated to Agent.
Citizenship Application is submitted to the Agency after 12 or 36 months of Residence.
Updated Due Diligence on the Applicant is submitted to the Agency.
Citizenship Decision as to whether applicant can be granted Maltese Citizenship is communicated to the Agent.
Investments must be fulfilled by Applicant, mainly the Investment, Donation and Property Requirements.
Oath of Allegiance is taken in Malta, and Applicant is granted Maltese Citizenship and is issued with a Certificate of Naturalisation.
Monitoring is conducted by the Agency for five years.
Frequently Asked Questions
Due diligence fees
Due diligence fees are applicable to persons who are over the age of 12 years.
Applicants who are nationals of or have close ties to the following listed countries shall not be eligible to apply under the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations (S.L. 188.06).
These countries are: Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.
The Agency reserves the right to update the list of banned countries from time to time, which will be communicated with all Agents licensed under the Agents (Licences) Regulations (S.L. 188.05).
Starting date for residence period
The starting date for the residence period shall be the issuance date of the residence card. If more than one person is applying within the same application, the start date will be of the person last issued with the residence permit.
All adult dependants who wish to apply for citizenship under the Regulations must hold a residence permit for the required periods.
Declaration of which route the applicant wishes to take
The applicant should declare if they intend to go for the 3-year route or less when applying for the residence permit.
Addition of new dependants
The application is taken as final when the eligibility application is submitted and EPRV is duly paid. Only new-borns after that date can be added before the Oath of Allegiance is taken.
Oath of Allegiance
The Oath of Allegiance has to be taken by all adults and has to be performed in person in Malta.
Connecting factors with Malta
Prospective applicants are required to be physically in Malta and build connecting factors during the residence period. These requirements shall be satisfied by providing documented proof. It is required that the applicant presents to the Agency their proposal on how he intends to create these connecting factors when presenting the eligibility application.
Requests for payment must always be done in one transaction and not split into multiple transactions. Payments for the residence permit shall be done by the Agent, whilst for the eligibility and the citizenship applications shall be done by the applicant through his personal bank account.
Refused applicants
Persons who had their application refused under the Maltese Citizenship Act (Cap 188) and its Subsidiary Legislation is not eligible to apply under these Regulations.
Renewal of residence cards
Residence cards will be renewed only once after the first three-year period.
Citizenship application
Citizenship applications can be submitted after the stipulated residence period by all members within the application has been completed.
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