How Safe is Malta?

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Whether you're traveling for business, leisure, or you're thinking about acquiring residency; safety is a factor of paramount importance. Be it for a few days or long-term residency, peace of mind and wide-ranging freedom are important considerations for all of us.

A recent survey conducted by the UK-based comparison website Merchant Machine crowned Malta as the safest holiday destination for LGBTQ+ people. The survey utilised a structured discrimination policy scoreboard to identify how each destination fared. Some of the key indicators that were taken into account included:

  • The laws against hate crimes relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersexuality;

  • Laws against hate speech relating to sexual orientation and gender identity;

  • Policies tackling hatred relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and intersexuality.

  • This is coupled with a relatively low robbery rate of 47 and a low travel risk rate of 1.

Malta has often made international headlines for its pro-LGTB legislative framework. For instance, Malta is one of the few countries where LGTB equality rights are enshrined in the Constitution and the country ranks first in terms of LGTB legislation among 49 European countries according to ILGA-Europe.

The sunny Mediterranean island has a long-held reputation for the overall safety that it provides to citizens, residents and visitors while the capital city, Valletta, has been described as the best European city for wellness. Add to this golden beaches, a vibrant nightlife scene, a kaleidoscope of restaurants and world-class historical attractions; and Malta becomes the perfect destination.

Are you looking for a safe haven for yourself and your family?

Get in touch with Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino on or +356 79284155 to discuss Malta citizenship and residency requirements for you and your loved ones.

Blog Post

This blogpost is being published strictly for informational and educational purposes, and should be correct and accurate at the time of publication. The content of this publication should not be considered as formal legal, immigration, or tax advice.


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