Agenzija Komunita Malta Supports Local Community Restoration Works
Earlier today, Hon. Alex Muscat, Junior Minister for Citizenship and Communities, announced on LinkedIn that “[a]n agreement signed between Agenzija Komunita Malta and the Rabat Local Council will lead to the restoration of the Niche of St Paul in Saqqajja square, with an investment of €100,000.”
The post goes on to say, “'[t]hese are the benefits reaped from the residency by investment program. These initiatives are aimed at improving the quality of life of our people, through various projects in areas including education, sport, the built environment and the rural environment. My commitment is to continue attracting foreign direct investment to Malta so as to further invest in our country and most importantly in our community.”
Under the revamped version of Malta’s residence by investment programme, the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP), amongst other requirements, investors are must donate a minimum of €2,000 to a Malta registered voluntary organisation of their choice, or other approved body such as the University of Malta Research, Innovation and Development Trust.
Whilst no mandatory donation was required under the MPRP’s predecessor, the Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP), the programme successfully generated a one-off injection of financial capital in Malta of just under €50,000,000 between 2017 and 2020.
As of 29th March 2021, applications under the MPRP may be submitted, whilst new applications under the MRVP are no longer accepted.
As Community Malta Agency (Agenzija Komunita Malta) licensed Agent AKM-BALD-21, Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino may directly assist with the correct preparation and submission of applications to the Residency Malta Agency (RMA).
Schedule a free consultation call with Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino for more information.
Article Image Credit: Ton Dekkers
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