The Requirement of Rent Registration in Malta

Following the introduction of the Private Residential Leases Act in November 2019, the Housing Authority has implemented a system to allow for the requirement of lease contracts intended for primary residential purposes to be registered online within ten days of the lease's commencement. This system aims to enhance the overall housing conditions in Malta and ensure transparency and stability in the rental market.

The registration of lease contracts in Malta provides both the landlord and tenant with legal protection under the Private Residential Leases Act and the Maltese Civil Code. These legal protections include provisions for rent increases, eviction procedures, property maintenance, and various other aspects related to the landlord-tenant relationship. By registering their lease contract, both parties can have peace of mind, knowing that they have the necessary legal safeguards in place. 

Furthermore, the requirement of registration also helps to prevent potential disputes that may arise after a lease contract is entered into. By documenting a standardised set of terms and conditions of the lease agreement and ensuring that each contract is in compliance with the relevant laws, the lease registration process allows for transparency and accountability between landlords and tenants. 

For landlords, the registration requirement serves as a means to demonstrate their compliance with the applicable regulations and showcases their commitment to maintaining high standards in their rental properties. On the other hand, tenants can benefit from the registration process by having a verified record of their lease agreement, ensuring that their rights are protected, and making it easier to address any issues that may arise during the tenancy. 

Overall, the registration of lease contracts by the Housing Authority is a step towards improving the rental market in Malta. It provides legal protection for both landlords and tenants, fosters transparency and stability, and helps to create a more trustworthy and harmonious environment for all parties involved in the rental process. 

At Attard Baldacchino, we specialise in assisting individuals who are seeking to establish residency or citizenship in Malta through various programmes. These include the Malta Nomad Residence Permit, the Malta Permanent Residence Permit, and the Maltese Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment.

For the duration of their chosen programme, our clients are required to either buy or rent a property a property in Malta. We understand that this is a significant commitment, and our goal is to make this process as seamless as possible.

We pride ourselves on our ability to understand our client’s unique needs and preferences. Our team is dedicated to finding the best accommodation options that align with these requirements. Whether you’re looking for a temporary rental or a permanent home, we’re here to guide you every step of the way, helping you navigate the complexities of relocation with ease and confidence.

The registration process is fairly simple and can be done in a few easy steps:

  1. Visit the official website,, to begin the registration process.

  2. To access the registration system, you can either create a new account or log in using your e-ID credentials, if you have one.

  3. After logging in, you will need to create a profile. This involves providing your details as the lessor or lessee, such as your name, contact information, and any other required information.

  4. Next, you will need to enter the property details, including the address and any additional relevant information. Additionally, you will be prompted to complete the tenancy section, which may include details about the rental period and terms.

  5. As part of the registration process, you will be required to upload the signed lease contract and inventory. Make sure to have these documents ready in digital format (PDF, JPEG, or other accepted file types) for submission.

  6. Fill in the details of both the lessor and the lessee. This will typically include their names, identification numbers, and contact information.

  7. If an authorised agent is involved in the lease agreement, you will have the option to add their details at this step. Include their name, contact information, and any other required information.

  8. Accept the terms and conditions of the registration process, ensuring that you have read and understood them thoroughly.

  9. Finally, submit the completed application. Once the application is successfully submitted, you will receive an email notification from Rent Registration Malta containing a reference number.

  10. When the appropriate authorities have reviewed your application, you will receive an email notification from there. You will receive further notifications regarding the acceptance or refusal of your application.

It's important to note that email notifications and reference numbers are provided to keep you informed about the progress of your application. Be sure to check your email regularly for any updates throughout the review process. By following these steps and providing all the required information and documents, you can successfully register your lease contract and enjoy the legal protections offered by the Private Residential Leases Act and/or the Maltese Civil Code.

Rent Registration Contract

In a lease agreement, various circumstances may arise where one of the parties involved wishes to terminate the contract before its intended duration. Such situations can occur due to reasons like the property not meeting the advertised specifications, non-payment of rent by the lessee, or other valid grounds for termination.

As per the current regulations, specific provisions outline the procedures for terminating a lease contract. For landlords looking to end the tenancy agreement, it is required to inform the tenants that the contract will not be renewed at least three months before the rental agreement reaches its end. This advance notice period allows tenants ample time to make alternative housing arrangements and ensures a smooth transition out of the property.

On the other hand, tenants also have the right to terminate the lease agreement by providing a one-month notice period during the last six months of a one-year contract. This flexibility in the notice period during the final six months of the contract allows tenants to adapt their living situations as needed without undue delay.

By establishing these guidelines, the lease agreement creates a legal framework that offers both landlords and tenants a fair and just process for terminating the contract in case of disputes or other issues that cannot be resolved. Providing clear procedures for termination helps to avoid misunderstandings, legal complications, and financial losses for both parties involved.

Overall, this agreement ensures that landlords and tenants have a transparent and structured approach to ending a lease contract when necessary, promoting a sense of fairness and balance in the landlord-tenant relationship. Being aware of these termination procedures can help both parties navigate the process smoothly and efficiently when the need to terminate the lease arises.

Di Fermo Period

The “di fermo” period, also known as a fixed-term period, is a pre-established and unalterable duration that characterises a lease agreement. This term is often used in the context of both residential and commercial lease agreements.

In the “di fermo” period, the tenant is obligated to uphold the payment of rent for the entire duration, regardless of the business’s situation. This means that even if the tenant’s business is not performing well or if the tenant vacates the premises, they are still legally required to pay the rent for the entire “di fermo” period.

For instance, in the case of private residential leases, the Act has introduced a mandatory “di fermo” period of 1 month. After this period, the lessee may send a written registered letter to give notice to terminate the lease at least 1 week before termination. No penalties would be imposed on the lessee for exercising their rights of withdrawal from the lease agreement during this period.

It’s important to note that a landlord may not claim the rent for the full “di fermo” period if the same landlord rented the property to a third party after the tenant vacated the premises. The “di fermo” period is typically contrasted with the “di rispetto” period, which allows the tenant to terminate the agreement during that period given a pre-stipulated notice as per the agreement.

Whether you’re seeking guidance in finding your ideal property or considering real estate investment opportunities, we invite you to reach out to us. At Attard Baldachino, our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive support throughout the entire process. Contact us at to explore your real estate aspirations.

Blog Post

This blogpost is being published strictly for informational and educational purposes, and should be correct and accurate at the time of publication. The content of this publication should not be considered as formal legal, immigration, or tax advice.


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