MRVA Updates List of MRVP Ineligible Countries

On Monday 25th January, 2021, the Malta Residence and Visa Agency (MRVA) circulated an updated list of countries, whereby links to which will render a person ineligible to apply for the Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP). The same list is likely to apply for the proposed Malta Permanent Residence Programme, although no specific mention of this was made.

Further to this latest circular by MRVA, applicants who either have a nationality from, or have close ties to the countries listed below, are not eligible to apply:

  1. Afghanistan

  2. North Korea

  3. Iran

  4. Democratic Republic of Congo

  5. Somali

  6. South Sudan

  7. Sudan

  8. Syria

  9. Yemen

  10. Venezuela

It is to be noted that MRVA reserves the right to update the list of ineligible countries at any time.

Updates to this list, as well as other key investment migration updates will be published on this portal as they become available.

Furthermore, should you wish to receive more information about the Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP), the proposed Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP), or simply want more details about Malta’s various opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation call.

Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino is a licensed Approved Agent by Community Malta Agency and may directly assist with Malta’s investment migration programmes.

Blog Post

This blogpost is being published strictly for informational and educational purposes, and should be correct and accurate at the time of publication. The content of this publication should not be considered as formal legal, immigration, or tax advice.


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