The New Malta Permanent Residence Programme Regulations (MPRP) Published

On Friday 27th March 2021, the eagerly awaited Malta Permanent Residence Regulations, 2021 were officially published by virtue of Legal Notice 121 of 2021. The regulations provide the requirements for the grant of permanent residency rights on the basis of investment under the Malta Permanent Resident Programme (MPRP).

Upon publication, the MPRP immediately replaces Malta’s previously successful residence by investment programme, the Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP). Certificates issued under the MRVP shall remain valid and in effect, whilst pending applications filed under the MRVP shall remain governed by the Malta Residence and Visa Programme Regulations. However, as of 29th March 2021, only applications under the new MPRP shall be accepted and MRVP applications may no longer be submitted.

The main benefits under the MPRP include the right to settle, stay and reside permanently in Malta, enjoy visa-free travel across Schengen for 90 out of every 180 days, penetrate Malta’s affordable real estate market, and the opportunity to include up to four generations in an application. All this can be done within a minimum period of 6 to 8 months, out of which there is a 4 to 6 month processing time.

Further to the publication of the official MPRP Regulations, it is expected that Residence Malta Agency (RMA) will soon replace the Malta Residence and Visa Agency (MRVA). The official set of the MPRP application forms have already been made available and it is expected that the official MPRP Guidelines and FAQs shall be circulated by RMA to all licensed Agents in the coming days.

Learn more about the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP):

  1. Benefits of the MPRP

  2. Eligibility for the MPRP

  3. Requirements of the MPRP

  4. Q&A Guide to the MPRP

As Community Malta Agency (Agenzija Komunita Malta) licensed Agent AKM-BALD-21, Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino may directly assist with the correct preparation and submission of applications to the Residency Malta Agency (RMA).

For more details you can access and download Legal Notice 121 of 2021 - Malta Permanent Residence Programme Regulations here, or schedule a free consultation call with Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino to help you or your clients.

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Blog Post

This blogpost is being published strictly for informational and educational purposes, and should be correct and accurate at the time of publication. The content of this publication should not be considered as formal legal, immigration, or tax advice.


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