Up to €220 per traveler visiting Malta as of June 2021

Have you been considering a visit to Malta?

On Friday 9th April, Hon. Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Consumers Protection at the Government of Malta, announced in a press conference that the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has just launched Incentives for Free Independent Travellers (FIT).

Under this FIT scheme, starting as of 1st June 2021, independent travellers who visit Malta for a minimum of 3 nights in 5*, 4* and 3* participating hotels, and book directly, will each receive €100, €75, €50 respectively.

The amount received will effectively be doubled, since participating hotels will also match the amount to each traveller in credit to be spent on accommodation, food, beverages and other services within the hotel property.

Travellers who opt for hotel properties on the island of Gozo will get an additional 10%, resulting in a total incentive of up to €220 per traveller.

The Free Independent Travellers scheme does not have a deadline in place but is limited to a budget of €3,500,000, with over 35,000 tourists who stand to benefit from the incentive.

Prior to your visit, reach out to Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino to schedule a free consultation meeting in relation to Malta’s investment migration options and real estate opportunities.

For more information about the FIT scheme visit the official Malta Tourism Authority website.

As licensed Agent AKM-BALD-21, Dr Russell Attard Baldacchino may directly assist with the correct preparation and submission of applications for Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) to the Residency Malta Agency (RMA) and the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations to Community Malta Agency (Agenzija Komunita Malta).

Article Image Credit: Daniel Eledut

Blog Post

This blogpost is being published strictly for informational and educational purposes, and should be correct and accurate at the time of publication. The content of this publication should not be considered as formal legal, immigration, or tax advice.


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